Chalk board artist and signwriter John Neal shares this video of how to letter with Zig Posterman Paint Markers. Demonstrating several font styles, including standard lettering, condensed, italic, stylistic and even serif fonts all done by hand.
You will learn how to use a 15 mm Big and Bold Zig Posterman Pen to make thick, medium and thin lines all with one paint marker.
A few tricks you will learn on how to letter with Zig Posterman
- Create guidelines for your letters!
- Be sure to leave enough space between your lines.
- Go over your letters to make them clean and crisp.
- How a loose hand and a tight hand can change your style.
- When and when not to use very fancy letters.
- Know when style and flourishes can be just to much!
John, Do you always use guidelines in your work?
“Yes I just mark out lines to work to. It is important to always do this. Just guessing never really works especially if you are doing a lot of text like in a menu. I mark both across and vertically for lists, like menus. Make sure you get the prices dead in line and I also use a ruler to dot a dotty line to lead the eye to the prices.”
Order a White Zig Posterman 15 mm pen today and start practicing! Use any standard blackboard or make your own with black mat paint. You may also want to consider our Cohas Chalkboards! Cohas Chalkboard products are quality boards with a texture resembling antique chalkboards that come framed or unframed in many different sizes. They can be hung or propped in in homes and businesses, or at parties, wedding and events! Don’t forget when you practice you can clean your Cohas boards with Windex cleaner and practice some more!