These waterproof Zig Posterman markers are most often used outdoors, as they will not come off in the rain. Use them on car windows, the painted part of a car, plastic, glass, aluminum, steel and stone; any surface that is not porous will work with the marker. They also work well on chalkboards and look like chalk when dry.
Even though they make a strong, bold mark, they are semi-permanent and can be removed with Windex. The ink is resistant to UV light, so it will not fade.
The marker will not “lift” when you re-coat after drying. The same color or different colors can be used next to each other with no bleeding or streaking. Just let the paint dry for 1-2 minutes before adding the next color.
On paper, canvas, cloth or other porous surfaces, the marker leaves a nice matte finish; an opaque mark that is permanent and light-fast. Artists will find they can create giant size calligraphy with the larger markers.
This type of marker only removes with Windex, Zig Posterman Cleaner or most whiteboard cleaners. The Windex must have ammonia to work. The chemical properties needed in the cleaner for removal is a pH of 10 or higher.
Waterproof Zig Posterman markers are compatible with dry erase and wet erase markers on the same board. When removing the dry erase marker with an eraser, the waterproof mark will not remove.
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