Alexandria Krebb is a small business owner from Long Island who has always had a creative mind and a passion for design. In 2014, she decided to pursue the creative career path she had longed for. Her business specializes in event staffing and creative event decor – and she particularly enjoys creating customized chalkboard designs. “Of all the different types of crafts and projects that I’ve worked on over the years, chalkboard designs has remained an all-time favorite of mine!” she explained.
Krebb finds the potential of working with chalkboards and chalk markers limitless, and loves that each design is unique and tells a story. Whether she’s creating a specific piece for a customer, or working on something for her own personal decor, she enjoys that she’s able to create a piece of art that captures a moment in time. But she also loves that the markers give her the ability to make changes day to day, or to just wipe the art clear and start all over again.
“Even in my spare time I take to my ‘doodle board’ and just start to draw. Sometimes I even find that my best work is created on a whim like that – without any particular design in mind. I just allow the creative juices to flow and let each stroke of my marker lead the way and let the design find itself,” said Krebb. She feels that there’s no right or wrong when it comes to creative expression. “All of those ‘mistakes’ have only allowed me more opportunity to practice and learn new techniques!”
“I’ve begun expanding my marker collection and look forward to continuing to learn and create more chalk masterpieces with their help!”
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