Using a brush to highlight chalkboard art on a Christmas promotional Chalkboard sign

When creating Chalkboard Art you need not use chalk markers alone, as a mater of fact creating Chalkboard Art using brushes is not as hard as you may think!

Using a brush to highlight chalkboard art on a Christmas promotional Chalkboard sign creating Chalkboard Art Using BrushesPaint markers or chalk markers are great to use on Black Boards, something done quite often in the United Kingdom.  Though late to the scene here in the United States, the popularity of Chalk Art is booming.  From markets to restaurants, brewery’s. vineyards, stores and weddings chalkboard art is spreading like wildfire.

Restaurant Chalkboard Art Using Brushes

In this video a talented sign artist John Neal uses his Posterman markers with a traditional art tool a paint brush! This guarantees that his artwork is easy to remove and change for the next holiday.  This video created in 2011 demonstrates how to “milk” a chalk marker.  This is a great option when the only materials you have on hand are your markers.  However, Cohas Chalkboard Systems will be shipping containers of chalk ink in the early winter of 2016.  This “paint pot” provides a container to paint from or to use on your pallet.  The paints can be used unmixed as John Neal does in this video or you can blend colors to obtain “just the right shade” for your Chalkboard Art.

If you look close he has added in light pencil on his chalkboard the text he intends to paint.  While this can help it will tend to leave a more permanent mark if you view the artwork closely.  We use a dark colored wet-wipe chalk marker that can be seen when you look close while painting.  When your artwork is done, just wipe with a damp cloth.  The waterproof chalk marker remains on your chalkboard and the guidelines disappear.

Note how the artist in the video uses the brush to create calligraphy styled “Christmas” across the board.  This is done by holding the brush and wrist steady and moving your arm to make the letters.

Other tools for Chalk Art Close at Hand

John’s restaurant booking sign is made more festive when he creates a Christmas tree with a even bigger paint brush… his thumb!  In addition you will learn how to highlight items like creating candles on the tree, and adding depth by “Pulling” a line with your fingers.

Drop shadows on the display are added in a nice blue Zig Posterman ink that adds depth on the black background. This is done using a smaller flat tipped brush than the one used for lettering. Highlights on the letters are defined with a dark black marker cleaning up the edges of the text.  We often get the question, “why would we buy a black marker for our chalkboard” here at Cohas Systems.  In addition to cleaning up the text, the black creates a subtle line on gray chalkboards.   While John paints his own boards with roofing paint, our ChalkFlex surface is similar in color to his boards.

Promote Your Event with Chalkboard Art!

Anyone can learn from John Neal! Be sure to connect to his website and order his full length video!

Create your own Chalkboard Art using brushes, order some reasonably priced Chalkboards.  Available on this website with our slate gray textured finish. Order chalk markers and chalk marker paint pots in the colors you need and grab a few brushes.  View our other application notes and DIY ideas to inspire your project today!

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